Jose and Audrey Banales, who have both visited me in Mozambique, connected me with 2 special churches in New Mexico who pray and give to God's work in Mozambique.
The first stop was Hobbs, New Mexico.
I'm on the left of the giant H!
Speaking at Fellowship of Believers Church in Hobbs.
Pastor Matkins, Aimee, Gary Jones
Together with Jose and Audrey, we headed for the mountains of Red River.
As I was shoveling snow off the top deck, I "accidentally" shoved a pile onto Jose's head below.
Jose and Audrey
They prepared ammunition for revenge, and I was ambushed on the front steps.
Tina (our host), Aimee, Audrey
Before speaking at Faith Mountain Fellowship in Red River, I tried to teach the kids a Mozambican Txitxopi dance.
With the kids at Faith Mountain Fellowship
It was a blessing to visit with these 2 partnering churches in New Mexico.