Friday, April 5, 2013

Land Purchase and Inhambane Trip

Thank you for praying. We are in the process of purchasing the 2 plots of land in Quissico, Inhambane, where, Lord willing, I will be able to live and serve in the future!   

Diolinda, Aimee, Jesuita, Joao, Benilde
It's not typical here to smile in photos.
(I wasn't being typical) 

I continue to work alongside of my faithful partner, Pr. Abel Miambo. 

We also brought a young lady from Ireland, Heather, an occupational therapist, who is in Mozambique for 6 months.

And Joao, from Pastor Abel's church, took his second trip with us.

He has a lot of energy...
We wanted to see if we could capture him in mid-air while he did his amazing flips. 

 Then we compared the amazing mid-air photos.

I just got one of his left foot and right hand flying by.

Our little friend, Charmila, usually comes by to visit us in Quissico. 

 We went to teach the church group in Xiruti.
Easter Sunday in Nyamajeho.

It was a privilege to share about God's love for all of us, and the salvation that He offers us in Christ under the tree on Easter morning.

My dear friend, Jesuita, helped out by translating my Portuguese into the local Txitxopi language.
 Mama Rosa and the kids

 Diolinda, giving me my Txitxopi language lesson.
 Me, apparently having enough of my lesson after a long day.  
 Church leader discipleship training under the cashew tree.
  Teaching a Bible study with Mama Ermelinda.
Diolinda and Crista taught Heather how to sing the Portuguese equivalent of "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" 
And finally, a random sight near our church in Cala that makes me smile every time I pass by -'s a STOP sign English
...attached half way up a coconut tree
...miles from any main road :o)