I have been planning and preparing for the visit of a coach and a shepherd.
It was a privilege to have Tim Roehl, center back, and Jose Banales, right front, visit Mozambique.
Tim (with Melo, who translated for him) came to teach the national church, interdenominational seminary, international Christian school, and our missionary team about coaching, based on his book, Transformissional Coaching.
Church leaders learned about the importance of listening and asking effective questions to connect with and empower others as they seek to serve Christ.
Working on intentional listening, caring, and celebrating with one another.
Leaders praying for one another.
Tim demonstrated a coaching session with national church leader, Pr. Juka, under the tree at the church in Kongoloti.
Jose, with national church leader, Pr. Abel and his wife Vitoria, came as a shepherd to Mozambican pastors who have been serving as national missionaries planting churches in Mozambique.
Jose, encouraging Pr. Abel on a visit to his home church.
Pr. Juka with a new tie, one of many that Jose brought as gifts for national pastors.
Pr. Juka's daughter, Milca, trying on her dad's new tie.
Jose brought a precious little nurse for the new real nurse, Pr. Juka's wife, Elina.
Maputo Biblical and Theological Seminary
We planned to have Tim's next coaching sessions at the seminary.
Biblical and Theological Seminary of Maputo
An average of 50 Christian leaders participated in the 4 days of seminary sessions, representing 8 countries and various seminaries and organizations.
Practicing asking good questions about goals, realities, options, and action steps.
Small groups studied different passages of Scripture to learn about the Biblical basis for coaching.
Elect Generation Children's Ministry
Jose sharing with the soccer boys.
And then the picture afterwards!
Helping Hands Ministry
Tim and Jose visited Jean Paul, who has received love and a wheelchair from the Helping Hands ministry.
Tim, praying for Jean Paul.
Christian Academy in Mozambique (CAM)
Jose sharing a special message with the kids at the school chapel service.
CAM teachers and OMS Missionaries
Tim's final coaching sessions with Christian Academy teachers, OMS missionaries and a Wesleyan missionary.
On the last evening, Jose prepared a Mexican meal for everyone!
Curious kids about to taste marvelous Mexican cuisine.
It was a blessing to partner with a coach and a shepherd here in Mozambique.