Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Working in Partnership with the Local Church

For this past year it has been a privilege to work in partnership with the national leadership of the local church, Igreja Evangelica Palavra Viva (Living Word Evangelical Church).

We have been working hard in the areas of leadership training, discipleship, organization, and administration of the church.  

Cutting the 1 year celebration cake (made by Fernanda) 
Nelio, Juka, Aimee, Belarmino, Daniel (Abel was away on a trip and Paulo was taking the picture.

One of the results of focusing on leadership training was the 3 day Preaching School for pastors and leaders of women's, youth, and evangelism ministries, as well as leaders of the church preschools.

Ministry leaders praying together. 

The goal is to build upon what we've learned with 2 more trainings this year.

I realize that pictures have smiling faces and of course this is a sign of joy in all that God is doing here. At the same time there are always many challenges and I don't have pictures to show all the difficult things that go hand in hand with the victories. 

With that said, I praise God and I appreciate and depend upon prayer as I seek to serve Christ here in Mozambique!