Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Pictures of Life


The kids at church performing a song with the traditional foot stamping in praise of God.

Toasting Tapioca

Aflita, toasting the mandioca to make Mozambican tapioca over her homemade oven in the ground.

My Off-road Truck

Pounded Peanuts

After being pounded with the giant pestle and mortar, the peanuts are sifted in the flat basket, then the bigger pieces are pounded again until it's all a fine peanut powder ready to add to any meal.

Wire Car in Progress
 This is the brother of the young lady that is helping me to learn some Txitxopi language. Once he puts the soda cans on as wheels, he'll be able to steer the car by a long wire he'll attach to the movable middle section...I call him "future engineer"

Dinner Prep

For most Mozambicans, there's no such thing as a meal that is not from scratch.

The Future

Beach Tractor

Dirt Coral

Ants found a way into my house and built these interesting coral like dirt trails up the walls from the corner. 
(I did clean it up after taking the picture)

3 Monkeys with Poor Posture

Engagement Entrance