Saturday, May 27, 2023

Why? And God's Breath

Whether people ask this question or not when they or their loved ones are going through any form of suffering, I believe that many people wonder about the "why" on some level at some time, and it is very hard.

If there is a time when we wonder about a "why" in our present, could we understand and be encouraged by things that God breathed for us from the past?

Here are just a few -


Can we understand something spiritual in the suffering of Job when God revealed a heavenly perspective during Job's earthly experience?

Could we see God's work amidst the long years of suffering in the life of Joseph and David as they were tested and prepared for future leadership?

Can we recognize God's grace and power in Paul, who suffered, persevered, and praised, accomplishing God's great purposes?

Could we meditate on Jesus, who learned obedience by the things that He suffered, and then the most glorious outcome of all because of His obedience - our salvation? 

Can we too trust and obey God, no matter what suffering we, or our loved ones, face?  

When a "why" may not be answered in the now,  can we allow God to breathe encouragement on us from the past?