Friday, July 26, 2024

Washington state

Crossing the Columbia River from Oregon into Washington, where we visited Larry and Susan Weil, who worked in Mozambique for many years. 

Susan took us to see the beautiful lavender farms in Sequim.

Touring a farm.

Susan's husband, Larry, did the grilling for a tasty BBQ.

It was a fun time with the Weils and friends!

Larry and Susan's hospitality😊

Then we made our way to Seattle, where we met up with two wonderful sisters, Isabella and Julia, from the Brazilian church I had been a part of when I was studying in seminary. What a joy to see them after first knowing them 20 years ago!

They told us about a secondhand bookstore...with resident cats😺

Then Jermaine, my dear friend from Fuller seminary, showed us around Seattle! 

We had lunch at a Native American cafe...fry bread taco with bison meat😋

Visiting Jermaine's alma mater, University of Washington, with a faint Mount Rainier in the background.

Seeing where she now teaches the next generation!

What a place to live (and what a view!) God has blessed her with during this time. 

It was wonderful to visit, share, and pray together with so many special people in Oregon and Washington!

I'm so thankful we could take this trip, an early celebration of my mom's 80th birthday💗