Monday, August 26, 2019

Mozambique Trip

What a privilege it is to be a part of God's eternal work where ever we are in His world! Thank you for praying for His eternal work here in Mozambique.

My team and our Mozambican counselors.

Praying for our missionary sister, Michelle, as she returns to England after serving here in Mozambique these last 3 years.

It's been a blessing to join her in pray and support from a distance. Please pray for God's hand on her life as she continues to be a part of His eternal work back in England.

A special visit with the Njango family as they faithfully serve in Kongoloti.

It's been a joy to visit some of our church groups here to encourage my Mozambican brothers and sisters in Christ.

Would you please pray for my trip to Inhambane this week, that God will guide, provide, and be glorified in all that I am, all that I do, and all that I speak. 

Thank you!

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Thank you so much for your support throughout this time. I will be able to seek renewal of my Mozambican visa again this year. 

I would greatly appreciate prayer as I travel to Mozambique from August 15 - September 5.

I continue to trust in God's higher thoughts and ways for all that He is doing. 

"Be of good cheer! It is I (Jesus); do not be afraid." 
Mark 6:50