Friday, October 11, 2024


On my way back from Mozambique to the US, I visited Silas and Rahab in Kenya. They are involved in many wonderful ministries, such as training pastors, doing Bible studies, and hosting youth camps.

Left to right - Silas & Rahab and I, along with the special education teacher, and the school Principal. 

We visited two schools where they are showing the love of Jesus to the teachers, staff, and students as they sponsor children in need, so that they are able to finish their high school education.   

Rahab invited me to her mother's home for their weekly women's Bible study and prayer time.

Her sister made chapatis for us.

Delicious chapatis and chai.

I was blessed to share about my life and about the power of prayer.

What a lovely group of ladies.

We passed by the Great Rift Valley.

We also visited with some members from one of the churches of Pastor Frederick (front middle), who Silas and Rahab serve with. They're doing a great work discipling leaders and planting churches in this area.   

They gave me the opportunity to share about how I came to believe in God, and how He called me to serve Him in Africa. We had a special time of prayer together. 

Joyful women :)

We stopped by another church to meet Nancy, Pastor Frederick's wife. One of the people there heard that I had come from Mozambique, and he showed me a very old Mozambican bill, which his son had found on the ground in Kenya!

Rahab pointing out the coffee plants by the roadside.

A tree full of egrets!

In front of the tea plants after the church service on Sunday.

What a special visit with Kenyans, Silas and Rahab, who are loving and serving God's beloved people in Kenya.

Before I had left the US, my sister-in-law, Amy, texted me at the airport telling me about a Kenyan organization that cleans up pollution from beaches, mostly tons of old flip-flops, and turns them into works of art. When I was in the airport leaving Kenya, I saw one of these colorful pieces of art!


I praise God for this time in Africa, and I thank you so much for your prayer! God helped me in everything, both in challenges and in blessings, and He gave me many opportunities to share His love and truth shown in Jesus.

Monday, October 7, 2024


I traveled with Victoria, Elina, and Mônica to Quissico.

Victoria in front of the house.

Elina with some baby mangoes.

The plumeria I had planted and thought had died, but has multiplied!

Mônica was such a blessing.

Visiting neighbors.

With grandma Lila.

Seeing Cidalia on the path back home.

We made couve curry for dinner.

Elina pounded the peanuts, and Victoria cut the couve and sifted the peanuts.

I shredded the coconut...slowly 😊

Elina added the coconut milk and powdered peanuts to the couve. What a delicious meal!

The next day we visited Cidalia, who gave me a special matching capulana.

Then she gave me one of her new piglets, which she said she will take care of until I return😊 The mom here is only a one year old!

The next day we drove to Inhambane city to meet with 3 families who work with youth through Word of Life.

We sang and wrapped the wives in colorful capulanas.

We had good conversations about possible future partnerships for the youth in Quissico 🙏

Afterwards we stopped at nearby Tofo beach.

Something new to me was seeing a group of young Mozambicans surfing!

Sunday with the church in Cala.

The children's group sang praise songs to God.

Irene translated my Portuguese into Chichopi, and I shared about how we all go through different storms in life, but that we can build our house, which is our life, on the solid foundation that is Jesus!

With Victoria, Irene, Ermelinda, and Elina❤️

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Church Leaders and Seminary

Meeting up with and praying for 4 of the national leaders of Palavra Viva (Living Word) Church in Mozambique.

Would you please pray for these leaders, their families, and the church here. 

What a blessing to receive special capulana gifts for my mom and my sister ❤️

It was so good to visit the Seminary in Maputo and have a time of sharing and prayer in the Callender Chapel with my dear friend, Fatima.