Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mozambican High School Students

One of the interesting things that has come out of our monthly church leader trainings in Quissico has been the chance to get to know Mozambican High School students.

The students come with Pastor Abel and I when we go out to the villages to set up and show the Jesus Film.
Here's Arsilio and Gito learning the ropes...and cords.
(at this particular showing, over 500 people came and 100 people came forward to accept Christ afterwards)

The students come with us to church services.

Left to right: Valdez (a great Txitxopi dancer), Arsilio (has beautiful penmanship and wrote the names and dates on the baptism certificates we handed out at this church service),  Gito (shy and a fantastic cook), Chauke (possibly the funniest guy in southern Mozambique :)

These four guys will be graduating when the school year ends in November. 
They came with us to the villages when we gave out the clothes donations from the churches in Maputo.

And they come with us when we do baptisms (this is from this last weekend).

Valdez and Chauque

Arsilio and Gito

It's been a wonderful time building relationships with these young guys as we walk and work together. Would you please remember them in prayers as they graduate and move on to the next step in their lives. 

Thank you!