Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Monica, Artur, and Church Leaders

From March to May a young lady named Mônica, from Conim church in Brazil, will be here.

At the entrance gate to the ministry house property in Quissico, Inhambane.

Mônica trying her hand at the pilao with sister Tina.

Teaching a game and Bible story to the kids in Cala, Inhambane.

We've been making visits to help and encourage Artur, who lives in Xai Xai.

Carlos, from the Helping Hands Ministry in the church came to adjust the wheelchair we gave to Artur. 

*the next 2 pictures are a bit graphic*

Artur cannot feel from his knees to his feet, and struggles each night with rats that gnaw on his legs and feet.

I've been bringing him basic things to clean and dress his wounds.  

We gave him an audio Bible so he can listen to God's Word during his long days sitting in a chair or lying on a mat. 

We are seeking to share the love of Christ with Artur, both physically and spiritually. 

There is a new Transitional Government for our national church, Igreja Evangelica Palavra Viva

Amongst other things, this governing body will be working on the vision, structure, discipleship plan, and church statutes and manual. 

Would you please pray for the leaders of the Church Transitional Government:

Pr. Juka, with his wife Elina 
(and daughter Milca).

Pr. Daniel, with his wife Luisa.

Pr. Nelio, with his wife Zinha.

Pr. Abel, with his wife Victoria.

 Deacon Belarmino, with his wife Albertina 
(and son Junior).

Missionary Paulo, with his wife Fernanda.

Missionary Aimee

I appreciate prayer for all these things. 

Thank you!