Sunday, July 21, 2024


Before leaving California to visit Oregon and Washington, I received a surprise visit on July 4th from a very special couple, Bruce and Mabel Callender!

The Callenders served in Ecuador for many years, and then they opened up the work in Mozambique and were the team leaders the first two years I was there. 


In Oregon, my mom and I made our first stop to visit Claude and Marilynn Meyers, who started the school in Mozambique, where I worked the first two years I was there. 

I am so thankful I could spend precious time with the Meyers!

With the Routons on Sunday, who had visited Mozambique, and worked in Brazil for many years. Their church meets in a barn, and a short term team shared about their trip to Kenya that day.

This special team prayed over me.

I loved seeing the Routons and Lon!

We had a wonderful visit with Bill Vermillion, who had visited Mozambique and serves with OMS theological education in many countries.

Spending time with Jodie, my dear neighbor and surfing buddy when I lived in San Diego!

What a joy to visit her, and her mom, Joan...and one of the cutest dogs in the world 😊

We finished off our time in Oregon with my beloved sister, who happened to be there for a conference! What a special surprise 💗