Sunday, January 10, 2010

Women's Bible Study in Chamanculo

Last month, the pastor of the church in Chamanculo (also known as Xipamanene) asked me if I would be willing to start up a women's Bible study for his church in the new year. I've been studying the method of teaching the Bible chronologically through storytelling (picture - some of the picture cards for different Bible stories). My friend Fatima, who I've been giving literacy lessons to once a week, is also a part of this church. This last week, I asked Fatima if she would like to co-lead this Bible study with me...and she said yes! Beginning in February, we plan to meet twice a week - to continue the literacy lessons and to prepare for the study. I'm very thankful for this opportunity, and I hope to give support and training to Fatima as we lead together, with the hope that she would be able to train other women in the future!